23 Module One: Introduction to Writing with A
- History and evolution of AI in writing
- Course expectations and goals
- Week One Discussions Due Sunday
1.01: Course Overview
Please take a few minutes to review the syllabus and my faculty information. Then watch this brief course introduction (narrated PowerPoint).
Here is a link to the PowerPoint: ENGL-199-AI-Assisted-Writing-in-Academia-and-Creative-Fields.pptx
1.02: Discussion: Welcome to the Textpocalypse
Welcome to Writing in the Age of AI! In this course, we’ll use emojis to indicate when you should write as a human 😀 and when you should collaborate with AI 🤖.
- 😀 Human Reflection: Share three words that capture your current feelings about AI and briefly explain why you chose each word (2-3 sentences).
- 🤖 AI Collaboration:
- Select any generative AI tool (e.g., ChatGPT, Claude, Google Gemini, or Microsoft Copilot)
- Write a prompt asking the AI to create your class introduction post
- Share your prompt and the AI’s response in italics. Please copy and paste this information.
- Analyze the AI’s writing (1-2 paragraphs):
- Evaluate the accuracy and authenticity of the introduction
- Discuss what specific information you needed to provide in your prompt
- Describe a professional scenario where AI-generated introductions could be valuable
CLO 1a (identifying key AI tools) and CLO 5c (reflecting on AI’s impact on writing)
Initial Post Requirements:
- Minimum 300 😀 words total
- Include both 😀 human reflection and 🤖 AI collaboration components
- Properly formatted with clear sections
- Citations for AI-generated content. Not sure how to cite? See this resource.
Response Requirements:
- Respond thoughtfully to at least two classmates
- Minimum 100 words per response
- Focus on comparing AI experiences and professional applications
- Build meaningful connections between posts
Full Credit (20 points)
- Includes three descriptive words about AI with thoughtful explanations
- Shows clear engagement with an AI tool, including prompt and response
- Provides meaningful analysis of the AI’s output
- Includes a relevant workplace application
- Responds thoughtfully to at least two classmates
Partial Credit (10-19 points)
- Meets most but not all requirements
- Shows basic engagement but lacks depth in analysis
- May be missing one or two components
- Responses to classmates are brief or superficial
No Credit (0-9 points)
- Missing multiple required components
- Shows minimal effort or engagement
- No responses to classmates
- Does not follow discussion guidelines
AI Acknowledgment Statement
I acknowledge the use of Claude.ai to help me clarify and refine this prompt. The idea for the discussion board (including the emojis) was entirely my own, but Claude helped me to format the prompt and create the rubric. I also asked Claude to review the activity with the course syllabus and select the course outcomes most closely aligned with this prompt. I chose to use Claude because I was short on time and wanted to make sure my ideas were clearly communicated.
1.03 Cyborgs and Centaurs
By Sunday, read these chapters in Cyborgs and Centaurs:
- Surviving the Textpocalypse
- Where Did Generative AI Come From? An Exercise in Co-Writing
- How Do Large Language Models (LLMs) Work?
- How Do I Get Started with AI Platforms?
1.04 Create Free Chatbot Accounts
If you don’t have accounts already, please create a free account for the following LLM tools (you may also use the paid version if you already have a subscription–you do not need to create new accounts for this class):
As a CWI student, you will already have access to Microsoft Copilot through your CWI email account.
Optional: Claude.ai and Perplexity.ai (you can use Perplexity without creating an account).
If you’re brand new to AI, here’s a short video tutorial on how to access ChatGPT.
1,06 Readings: AI and Ethics
- Watkins, Mark. “AI Is Unavoidable, Not Inevitable.”
- Kirschenbaum, Matthew. “Prepare for the Textpocalypse.” Link (Paywall) or pdf in Blackboard.
1.07 Discussion: AI Privacy and Terms of Service
Now that you’ve created accounts with different AI chatbots, let’s examine their terms of service and privacy implications:
- 😀 Choose two different AI chatbots you’ve signed up for (e.g., ChatGPT, Claude, Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot). Find and read their terms of service and privacy policies.
- 😀 Compare and contrast how these two services handle:
- Your input data (what happens to the prompts you write?)
- Generated content (who owns the AI’s outputs?)
- Personal information (what data do they collect about you?)
- Data retention (how long do they keep your conversations?)
- 🤖 Ask one of your chosen AI tools what users should know about privacy when using AI chatbots. Share its response and discuss whether you think the AI gave a complete and accurate answer.
- 😀 Based on your research, what surprised you most about these policies? What concerns, if any, do you have about using these tools for academic, creative, or professional work?
CLO 1b (Discuss the ethical implications of using AI in writing) and CLO 5b (Identify potential biases and limitations in AI-generated content)
Rubric (20 points)
No comments to classmates are required for this discussion. However, you are welcome to comment on others’ posts.
Full Credit (20 points)
- Thoroughly compares privacy policies and terms of service for two AI tools
- Includes specific examples from the documents
- Shows critical thinking about privacy implications
- Incorporates AI perspective on privacy
- Thoughtfully responds to at least two classmates
Partial Credit (10-19 points)
- Covers some but not all required elements
- Analysis lacks depth or specific examples
- Limited discussion of implications
- Minimal engagement with classmates’ posts
No Credit (0-9 points)
- Missing major components
- No evidence of reading terms of service
- No peer responses
- Fails to follow discussion guidelines
Resource: AI and Ethics Training by Dr. Torrey Trust