
3.B Comparisons and superlatives

There are comparisons of equality and inequality.


The comparisons of equality are used to demonstrate that two things, people or others are the same or similar.

The construction of comparisons of equality are the following:

tan+ adjective/adverb+como


tanto/a(s)+ singular/plural noun+ como

*Tanto agrees with gender and number with the noun


verb+ tanto+como

*when comparing a verb, tanto does not change.


Comparisons of inequality are formed depending on what is compared.

When comparing Adjectives, adverbs, or nouns you place  “más” (more) or “menos” (less) before the adjectives, adverbs, or nouns that are being compared:

más/menos+ adjective/ adverb/ noun+ que

When comparing verbs, the construction is:


Irregular comparative forms

There are irregular comparisons that don’t follow the constructions learned before.

Mejor- better
Peor- worse
Mayor- older (grande/viejo)
Menor- younger (joven/pequeño/a)


The construction to form superlatives is the following:

Definite articles + noun + más/menos + adjective + de

” La Casa López” es el restaurante más sabroso de Moscow.

Absolute superlatives

Absolute superlatives are formed by dropping the final vowel of adjectives and adverbs nad adding

– ísimo/a(s)

Mucho mucho+ísimo muchísimo

There are some spelling changes on some adjectives and adverbs

fácil- facilísimo
feliz- felicísimo
joven- jovencísimo
largo- larguísimo
rico- riquísimo
trabajador- trabajadorcísimo


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