
7.D Indefinite and negative words

Like in English, Spanish have indefinite and negative words. The indefinite words, are those that refer to people or objects that are not specific. A good  example would be, someone. You are aware that the speaker is talking about a person, but not a specific person. On the other hand, the negative words are those use to contradict the existence of people of object or even to contradict a statement. An example of a negative word would be  no one. Each indefinite word has an opposite negative word.



Indefinite words Negative words
Algo   – something, anything Nada – nothing, not anything
Alguien – someone, somebody, anyone Nadie – on one, nobody, not anyone
Alguno/a/s, algún  – some, any Ninguno/a, ningún – no, none, not any
o … o – either .. o Ni … ni – neither … nor
Siempre – always Nunca, Jamás – never, not ever
También – also, too Tampoco – neither, not either

Note that alguno/a/s, algún, ninguno/a, ningún have to match in gender and in number.

For example, algunas chicas, algunos chicos.

If you are using a singular masculine noun after alguno or ninguno, these forms are reduced to algún or ningún.

 For examplealgún lápiz, vs alguno lápiz.

Since alguno/a/s, algún, ninguno/a, ningún, alguien, and nadie refer to people they are often used with the personal a before them in a sentence. This happens when they are the direct object of the verb.

For example,  ¿Ha visto a alguien en la clase con camiseta negra?


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