
6.A Preterite regular verbs

Preterite and imperfect are used to talk about actions that occurred in the past. Preterite is used to express actions or states that are completed in the past.

The following charts will demonstrate the endings for AR, ER and IR verbs.

  • ER and IR verbs have identical endings.
AR  verbs ER verbs IR verbs
Yo- é Yo- í Yo- í
Tú- aste Tú- iste Tú- iste
Él/ella/usted- ó Él/ella/usted- Él/ella/usted-
Nosotros/as- amos Nosotros/as- imos Nosotros/as- imos
Vosotros/as- asteis Vosotros/as- isteis Vosotros/as- isteis
Ellos/ellas/ustedes- aron Ellos/ellas/ustedes- ieron Ellos/ellas/ustedes- ieron

Stem changing verbs

IR verbs are the only ones that have a stem change in the preterite.

The stem change occurs in the third-person in singular and the third-person in plural forms.

e: i o: u

Verbs ending in CAR, GAR and ZAR have a spelling change in the YO form


CAR– “c” changes to “qu”      Buscar= yo busco Yo buscqué—- Yo busqué
GAR– “g” changes to “gu”      Cargar= yo cargo—– Yo cargué
ZAR– “z” changes to “c”          Empezar= yo empiezo (remember no stem-changing in ar verbs) yo empecé

Spelling changes:

Creer- to believe

Yo- creí Nosotros/as- creímos
tú- creíste Vosotros/as- creísteis
él/ella/usted- creyó Ellos/ellas/ustedes- creyeron

Leer- to read

Yo- leí Nosotros/as- leímos
tú- leíste Vosotros/as- leísteis
él/ella/usted- leyó Ellos/ellas/ustedes- leyeron

Oír- to hear

Yo- oí Nosotros/as-oímos
tú- oíste Vosotros/as- oísteis
él/ella/usted- oyó Ellos/ellas/ustedes- oyeron

Acabar+ de+ infinitive is used to talk about actions that just occurred.


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