
Reciprocal reflexives express actions done between two o more people or things. This means that the reflexive pronouns that will be used with be the plural forms (nos, os, se) since two or more are involved.

In English, it is: (to) each other or (to) one another.

María y Jorge se aman.
Maria loves Jorge and Jorge loves María- they love each other.

Carlos y José se saludaron el viernes.
Carlos said hi to José and José said hi to Carlos- they said hi to each other.

Common verbs that express reciprocal reflexives.

Abrazarse- to hug each other
ayudarse- to help each other
besarse- to kiss each other
encontrarse- to meet with each other
escucharse- to listen to each other
hablarse- to talk to each other
Mirarse- to look at each other.
saludarse- to greet each other


Private: Reciprocal reflexives Copyright © by Gemma Morawski and Ani Alcocer. All Rights Reserved.