
ORTHOGRAPHY: Different letters that make the same sound

In Spanish there are several letters that make the same sound. The following chart will walk you through those letters and sounds.

Letters and combinations Sound
C-a    cama

C-o   comer

C-u   cuna


Qu-e   querer

Qu-i    quiero


K and a vowel     wisky, Alaska, kilo, koala

All of these letters and combinations have a K sound
C-e   cerrar

C-i    canción


Z-a   zapato

Z-o   Zorro

Z-u   Zumo

These two letters with these vowel combinations make a th sound (Spain) and/or a s sound (México, Guatemala…. )
B and any vowel       Broma, Barcelona


V and any vowel      Vaso, vaca, volver

These letters both make the sound
G-e    gente

G-i     girar

J-e    mujer

J-i     Jirafa

These letter combinations make a G sound
Ll and any vowel        llaves, lluvia

Y and any vowel         yema, yo

These letter combinations make a Y sound




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Español por el mundo (Revised) Copyright © by Gemma Morawski and Ani Alcocer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.