
ORTHOGRAPHY: Letters that can represent different sounds


G when used with;       it has  a soft g sound

Ga  – gato

Go – gota

Gu  – gustar

Gue- guerra

Gui – guitarra

G when used with;        it has a hard j sound or hard g

Ge  – gerundio

Gi-  gitano


If we want to make the soft g sound with these vowels, we have to add a u in between the g and the vowels.

C    when used with      It has a k sound

Ca – casa

Co – comer

Cu – cuñado

C    when used with      It has a th (Spain) or s (México, Guatemala…)  sound

Ce – cenar

Ci – cita

RR    we add rr in between two vowels and it has a strong sound (lot of rolling)

Carro, perro, hierro, erre


R    Also sounds strong when at the beginning of the word or when its after  l, n or sub.

Ropa, Roma, reír

Enrique, alrededor, subrayar

R has a soft r sound (or roll) in every other word that was not mentioned in previous examples


caro, pero, abrazo, salir, crecer

Y   Has a ye sound when at the beginning of the word or in between vowels

Yo, ayer, leyendo

Y   has an i (Spanish i) sound when at the end of the word or by itself

Y, rey, hay, hoy


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