
5.A The Reflexive Verbs

What is a reflexive verb?

The reflexive verbs are when the subject and the object are the same and the action reflects back to the subject.

View the difference between the next two examples:

1. Me lavo las manos I wash my hands

This example is reflexive because the subject (I) and the object (your hands) are the same.

2. Lavo mi coche I wash my car

This example is NOT reflexive because the subject (I) and the object (your hands) are NOT the same.

You can identify the reflexive verbs because they have a reflexive pronoun in their infinitive form.

ie. Lavarse


Reflexive verbs have reflexive pronouns that preside the conjugated verb.

Yo- me Nosotros/as- nos
Tú- te Vosotros/as- os
El/ella/usted- se Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes- se

The reflexive verbs are conjugated as they the verb would just adding the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb

Yo- me lavo Nosotros/as- nos lavamos
Tú- te lavas Vosotros/as- os laváis
El/Ella/Usted- se lava Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes- se lavan


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Español por el mundo (Revised) Copyright © by Gemma Morawski and Ani Alcocer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.