
Saludos y despedidas


The following are common ways to greet a person in Spanish Speaking countries.

It is important to notice that Greetings and Farewells vary from country to country.

Spanish has formal and informal forms to address people.  The subject pronoun and the verbs used will let you know if formal or informal is used.

When to use formal and informal forms


When the other person is older than you
When the other person is in a position of authority (boss, teacher, professor)


When the other person is a family member or friend
When the other person is the same age as you

NOTE: There are countries such as Costa Rica where they only use the formal form.


 Subject pronouns 

Formal Informal

The and used conjugation form will change their endings.

Common Greetings, Farewells, and courtesy expressions.

Hola Hello
¿Qué tal? What´s up?
Buenos días Good morning (Usually from 12am till 11:59 pm)
Buenas tardes Good afternoon/evening (Usually from 12pm till 7:59pm)
Buenas noches Good night (Usually from 8pm till 11:59pm)
Que gusto de verte/ verlo Nice to see you ( informal and formal)
Tanto tiempo sin verte It has been a while since I saw you
Le presento a… This is…
Mucho gusto / Encantado/a It´s a pleasure to meet you
El gusto es mío The pleasure is mine


What´s up:

Mexico: ¿qué onda?
Spain: ¿Qué dices? ¿Qué hay?
Argentina: ¿Como andas?
Colombia: ¿qué hubo?
Costa Rica: ¡Pura vida!

Goodbye or See you later
Colombia and Venezuela: “vaya por donde Dios lo trajo”/ “Dios lo lleve con bien” / que “dios lo cuide”.
Spain: ¡Venga!


View “Forming Questions”

¿Cómo estás (tú)?  / ¿Cómo está Usted? How are you? (Informal and Formal)
¿Cómo has estado? How have you been? (Informal)
¿Cómo te ha ido? How have you been? (Informal)
¿Cómo te va? / ¿Cómo le va? How have you been? (Informal and Formal)


What´s up:


Spain: ¿Qué hay? ¿Qué pasa?​
Argentina: ¿como andás​?

Answers to questions

¡Estoy /Muy bien! I am great
Estoy/bien I am ok
Estoy tranquilo/a I am
Estoy ocupado/a I am busy (Masculine/ Feminine)
Estoy enfermo/a I am sick (Masculine / Feminine)


Adiós Good bye
Nos vemos See you later
Saludos a tu mamá, papá, etc. Say hello to your mother/father
Hasta luego/ pronto See you later/ soon
Hasta mañana See you tomorrow
Hasta la próxima semana See you next week
Hasta el próximo fin de semana See you next weekend
Te veo luego I will see you later
Chao Good bye
¡Cuídate! Take care





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Español por el mundo (Revised) Copyright © by Gemma Morawski and Ani Alcocer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.