
1.C Descriptive adjectives

What is a descriptive adjective?

A descriptive adjective is a word that modifies the noun. It has to agree in gender (feminine or masculine) and in number (singular and plural) with the noun that is modifying.

Adjectives follow the nouns that they are describing, while in English the noun follows the adjective.

El coche verde.           The green car.


Adjectives are words that modify a noun. This descriptive adjectives describe the noun and express the characteristics of nouns.

Click on the following link to see the most common Adjective vocabulary.

As mentioned before, adjectives have to agree with the noun in gender (feminine and masculine) and in number (singular and plural). Let’s look at how the adjectives are sorted by gender;



adjective ends in -a or -as

La chica guapa

Las chicas guapas

Adjectives that end in -o or -os

El chico guapo

Los chicos guapos

Adjectives that end in -e or -ista

Ella es inteligente

Ella es idealista

Adjectives that end in -e or -ista

El es inteligente

El es idealista

Adjectives that end in -dor add an -a

Ella es conservadora

Adjectives that end in -dor

El es conservador

If we look at the table above you will notice that to the adjectives that end in “-a” or “-o” in order to make them plural we just add an “s”. But what about the rest of the adjectives? If the adjective ends in a vowel, all you have to do is add an “s”. If it ends in a consonant, you add “-es”.

Singular ending in vowel:    Ella es inteligente.                      She is intelligent. 

Plural ending in vowel:        Ellas son inteligentes.                They are intelligent.

Singular ending in consonant:   El es conductor.                    He is a driver.

Plural ending in consonant:     Ellos son conductores.            They are drivers.

(Remember, if you make one word plural the rest of the sentence structure has to do so as well)


Los adjetivos

Español Inglés
Antipático, antipática unpleasant
Alto, alta tall
Bajo, baja Short in height
Bonito, bonita pretty
Buen, bueno, buena good
Delgado, delgada thin
Difícil difficult
Fácil Easy
Feo, fea ugly
Gordo, gorda fat
grande big
Guapo, guapa handsome
importante Important
Inteligente Intelligent
Interesante Interesting
Joven Young
Mal, malo, mala Bad
Mismo, misma Same
Hermoso, hermosa Good looking
Delgado, delgada thin
fuerte strong
Listo, lista Smart, clever
mayor Older
menor Minor, yonger
Moreno, morena Brown hair
Nervioso, nerviosa Nervous
Nuevo, nueva New
Ocupado, ocupada Busy
Pequeño, pequeña Small
Perezoso, perezosa Lazy
pobre Poor
Preocupado, preocupada Worried
Rico, rica Rich
Rubio, rubia Blond
Serio, seria Serious
Simpático, simpática Pleasant
Tonto, tonta Silly
Trabajador, trabajadora Hard worker
triste Sad
Viejo, vieja Old

`Nationalidades- Nationalities

Alemán / alemana German
Argentino / argentina Argentine
Canadiense Canadian
Costarricense Costa Rican
Cubano / cuabana Cuban
Ecuatoriano / ecuatoriana Ecuadorian
Español / Española Spanish
Estadounidense American . from the U.S
Mexicano / mexcana Mexican
Norteamericano / norteamericana North American
Puertorriqueño / puertorriqueña Puerto Rican
Francés / Francesa French
Inglés / Inglesa English

Practice here.


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