
4.C Irregular in the yo form verbs

Previously we have talked about regular verbs that end in -ar, -er, and -ir. Then there are irregular verbs. These verbs such as ser, do not follow the regular verbs rules. Unlike, ser that is irregular in all forms, these irregular verbs are only irregular in the yo form.

Here is a list of the most common irregular verbs in the yo form.

Yo-go verbs;

Sujeto Hacer

(to do; to make)


(to put; to place)


( to leave; to go out)


(to bring)


(to suppose)

Yo hago pongo salgo traigo supongo
haces pones sales traes supones
Ud./ él/ ella hace pone sale trae supone
Nosotros/ nosotras hacemos ponemos salimos traemos suponemos
vosotros/ vosotras hacéis poéis salís traéis suponéis
Uds. / ellos/ ellas hacen ponen salen traen suponen

Note: Use de with salir when the place that was left is mentioned.

Example:  Salgo de casa a las cinco de la tarde.          I leave the house at five in the afternoon.

Other verbs with irregular yo form;

Sujeto Dar (to give) Ver (to see) Conducir (to drive) Venir (to come) Traducir (to translate) Oir (to hear)
Yo doy veo conduzco vengo traduzco oigo
das ves conduces vienes traduces oyes
Ud./ él/ ella da ve conduce viene traduce oye
Nosotros/ nosotras damos vemos conducimos venimos traducimos oímos
Vovostros/ vosotras dais veis conducís venís traducís oís
Uds./ ellos/ ellas dan ven conducen vienen traducen oyen




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