175 General Resources for AI

Liza Long

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming higher education, from the way students learn to the way faculty teach. AI resources are being used to personalize learning, provide feedback, and automate tasks.

Some of the ways AI is being used in higher education include:

  • Personalizing learning: AI can be used to create personalized learning experiences for students based on their individual needs and interests. This can be done by using AI to analyze student data and identify areas where they need additional support.
  • Providing feedback: AI can be used to provide feedback to students on their work. This can be done by using AI to analyze student work and identify areas where they need improvement.
  • Automating tasks: AI can be used to automate tasks that are currently done by faculty, such as grading papers and providing feedback. This can free up faculty time so they can focus on more creative and strategic tasks.

AI is still a relatively new technology, and there are some challenges associated with its use in higher education. One challenge is that AI systems can be biased, which can lead to unfair outcomes for students. Another challenge is that AI systems can be difficult to understand, which can make it difficult for faculty and students to trust them.

Despite these challenges, AI has the potential to transform higher education in a number of positive ways. By personalizing learning, providing feedback, and automating tasks, AI can help students learn more effectively and efficiently.

The content above was auto-generated by Google Docs Writing Assistant on June 22, 2023. For a demonstration of how Writing Assistant works, please watch this brief video from Liza Long, Assistant Professor of English at the College of Western Idaho. 


This working paper discusses the risks and benefits of generative AI for teachers and students in writing, literature, and language programs and makes principle-driven recommendations for how educators, administrators, and policy makers can work together to develop ethical, mission-driven policies and support broad development of critical AI literacy.

We invite you to comment on the working paper to help inform the task force’s ongoing activities. We intend for this to be the first of subsequent working papers that will be developed as the task force receives feedback and identifies priorities in the coming year.

Resource Guide from Lance Eaton (College Unbound)

This 40+ page resource guide includes numerous articles and ideas about using generative AI in the college classroom. Topics include the following:

  • Effective Uses of AI for Teaching & Learning
  • Resources created/sourced by Lance Eaton
  • General Resources About Generative AI
  • Online AI & Education Communities
  • AI Resources
  • Guidance on Prompt Creation
  • Classroom Activities

Generative AI Acknowledgment

Lawrie Phipps and Donna Lanclos have observed that the ethical concerns surrounding generative AI require acknowledgement. They offer this sample language:

This presentation/paper/work was prepared using ChatGPT, an “AI Chatbot.” We acknowledge that ChatGPT does not respect the individual rights of authors and artists, and ignores concerns over copyright and intellectual property in the training of the system; additionally, we acknowledge that the system was trained in part through the exploitation of precarious workers in the global south. In this work I specifically used ChatGPT to …

CRAFT (Curricular Resources about AI for Teaching)

We’re building resources to teach AI literacies for high school and college instructors and assembling them into a full curriculum that will be deployed in a course with the National Educational Equity Lab, offered in Fall 2023.

UNESCO ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Quick Start Guide

This resource provides an overview of AI and its potential uses (and abuses) in higher education. The resource is a companion to UNESCO’s free self-paced training on AI.

ChatGPT in Higher Education: Artificial Intelligence and its Pedagogical Value by Rob Rose*

ChatGPT in Higher Education explores the positive integration of AI in academia and the ways that it might enhance pedagogy, research, and professional development.

*Author statement: “The chapter topics and most of the specific functions and their descriptions within each chapter were generated by ChatGPT. The prompts that were fed into ChatGPT were generated by me.”

Classroom Policies for AI Generative Tools

This collaborative resource compiled by College Unbound Digital Director Lance Eaton includes a wide variety of classroom syllabus policies from instructors at numerous higher education institutions.

AI, machine learning, and generative technologies

This brief overview of ChatGPT from BC Campus demonstrates some of its capabilities in the classroom including essay writing, lesson plan creation, poetry, and drafting of a course syllabus, classroom policies, and learning outcomes.

Academic Honesty and Integrity (CSU): An Introduction to ChatGPT

This webpage from Colorado State University provides a broad overview of academic integrity issues as well as case studies from instructors and information on why AI checkers may be unreliable.

APA “How to Cite ChatGPT”

This page provides APA style guidelines for referencing ChatGPT and other generative AI tools.

MLA “How to Cite ChatGPT”

This page provides MLA style guidelines for referencing ChatGPT and other generative AI tools.

Artificial Intelligence in Teaching & Learning

This Pressbooks guide from Cleveland State University’s Center for Teaching and Learning provides best practices from a faculty AI workgroup that met in Spring 2023.

OpenAI Teaching with AI

From OpenAI: We’re releasing a guide for teachers using ChatGPT in their classroom—including suggested prompts, an explanation of how ChatGPT works and its limitations, the efficacy of AI detectors, and bias.



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General Resources for AI Copyright © 2020 by Liza Long is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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